Real Timber

“Real wood is the ultimate in authenticity and beauty, with every floor board telling a unique story.”

Bringing timber into your home dissolves the boundaries between the home and Earth. With our fast paced and distracted modern lives, we often seek walks, hikes, swims in nature to bring us back to the present and to feel connected to the world.

Real timber flooring is a way of bringing nature into your home. No man-made floor can match the beauty of real timber, whether it be hybrid, laminate or vinyl. Of the billions of trees on Earth, no two trees are identical, and no two planks of flooring are identical.

You’ll forever be amazed by the uniqueness of real timber and it’ll be a centrepiece of your home for a lifetime.

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“Rustic emphasises the natural, the raw and the untouched.”
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“Soft and lighter floors are unmatched in their ability to create a sense of space and openness.”
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“Dark and brown flooring add depth and character to an interior, evoking a feeling of striking luxury.”
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“Deep reds and browns bring the beauty of natural Australian timbers - jarrah, blue gums, brushbox, ironbark into your homes.”
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“Hygge is the creation of coziness and togetherness as a way of living and well-being.”
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“Grey is a timeless, classic and modern flooring colour all at once.”
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